Today we finished discussing chapter 2. I gave out a review sheet that we treated as a quiz... students worked on it individually to find out what they knew and what they still needed to learn, looked up answers they needed and then I gave out the answer sheet. I will discuss this next class.
The quiz for chapter 2 is set for next Wednesday, March 6. The power point, the note sheets and the review sheets can be found in the handy dandy documents section of this web page over on the left. You can also find a copy of the text book, so if you mistakenly left school, or the country, without your book right before a quiz ... it is only just a few clicks away. Too bad eh?
Fred was dead. He was no longer with us, he bought the farm, was pushing up daisies, exanguinous, pulseless, inanimate... Fred the fish, that is. And you get the message. :-) But was he murdered? Or were some other forces at work here? The trip to the Fluvarium yesterday was a wonderful success. By looking at various biotic and abiotic factors in the environment (water quality, dissolved oxygen, pH, turbidity, temperature and available food) we figured out why poor Freddie was pining for the fiords. We also got a really good look through a microscope at some of the wee creatures that would have been Freddie's lunch, had he not been an ex-Fred. Too bad he didn't get to be our lunch. He was a nice looking trout.
Today we continued working on the questions for chapter 2 and we reviewed half of them. Your textbook is now online and can be found in the Grade 8 Science Documents section of this website. Please bring your Fluvarium field trip permission forms and money in ASAP.
Today we worked on the question sheet for Chapter 2. On Monday of next week (October 28 in the afternoon) we will be heading off to a field trip at the Fluvarium, so please make sure you pass in your permission slips and money ASAP.
Welcome to my grade 8 science blog page. Most of this blog will be dealing with my Grade 8 science class, homework, test, quizzes, documents and the like. All science documents that I give out in class will also be found on it's own page. Check the other pages for grade 9 tech stuff.
September 2016
CategoriesBeth PowerTeacher librarian, science and tech teacher, owner of many pets, fearless cook, who loves the bay. |